EU budget does not reflect the times in which we live

The position taken by the European Parliament today regarding the 2011 EU budget is a poor reflection of the austerity period that many EU states including the UK are going through says Emma McClarkin East Midlands Conservative MEP

The parliament voted predominantly to endorse the position of the budgets committee, which pushed for a 5.8 percent increase on the 2010 budget. The European Conservatives Group tabled amendments that would have reduced the parliament’s administrative budget, but these were rejected.

Emma McClarkin commented from Strasbourg:

Budget increases at this time of austerity is madness. Increased quantity does not mean increased quality.

“EU economies need less debt and greater competitiveness in order to increase investor confidence. They do not need more EU bureaucracy and complex EU spending programmes. Our markets need to be more competitive, not more heavily subsidised, if we are to encourage international investment.

“MEPs have voted through a budget that does not reflect the times in which we live. Many voters want the EU to spend less and spend it better. Instead of asking how much we can increase, we should focus on how we get more bang for our buck.”

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