Emma McClarkin MEP to spend a day visiting Leicester schools

Conservative MEP for the East Midlands region, Emma McClarkin, is to spend Thursday 10th February in Leicester, visiting two schools and De Montfort University.

Emma will spend the morning at Leicester High School for Girls, talking to year 10 pupils and answering questions.

In the afternoon she will then head to Dixie Grammar School in Market Bosworth, where she will be speaking to sixty 6th Formers about her role as an MEP.

Finally in the early evening Emma will be speaking to students and lecturers at De Montfort University about the workings of the European Parliament.

Commenting in advance of the day, Emma said,

“I’m looking forward to spending the day in and around Leicester talking to students about the EU and my role in the European Parliament. The age range of the students will be quite wide. As the youngest MEP representing the UK I hope a younger politician will inspire them to ask lots of questions and get engaged in politics.”

“I think it’s great that so many pupils want to learn about what happens in the Parliament, and I hope that they will all get a lot out of the visits.”

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