EU must deliver single market for jobs and growth says East Midlands MEP

East Midlands Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin has today spoken in a debate which will set the parliament’s priorities for a forthcoming Single Market Act which aims to complete the single market and create more jobs and growth.

Miss McClarkin – who has helped to shape proposals for amendments to the act and priorities in the report – spoke in the debate in favour of the Act, and told the parliament that it would help EU competitiveness:

“It is vital that in these economic times we look to enhance our competitiveness, increase growth, and drive innovation.

“The EU needs to make sure the legislation it produces stands up to the test of creating jobs and growth not more red tape for businesses.”

Speaking following the debate, Emma added,

“We joined the EU in 1973 for a common market and we still need to deliver that. We need equal implementation of EU legislation and the reduction of barriers to trade to create a well functioning market that can deliver for citizens and complete globally.

“If implemented, this report will enable Member States to increase trade, helping their economies to grow quicker.

“The UK Government estimates that the value of a true Single Market would add as much as €800 billion to the EU’s GDP – a truly astonishing figure.

“We still have much to do to deliver this, and this report is a vital step.”

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