EU must not hike fuel taxes, East Midlands Conservative MEPs say

Proposals to be unveiled by EU taxation Commissioner Semeta tomorrow must not represent a hike in already sky-high petrol and diesel prices, East Midlands MEPs Emma McClarkin and Roger Helmer have said today.

Reports suggest that the proposals to update the EU’s Energy Taxation Directive could see a shift from a per-litre duty to one with extra levies based on emissions and energy content. It is reported that the new rules would see diesel costs increase at a higher rate.

Miss McClarkin and Mr Helmer have urged the Commissioner to rethink the plans before publishing them tomorrow.

Emma McClarkin said:

“The European Union will do nothing to improve its popularity by imposing tax increases on already sky-high motoring costs.

“We all want to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles but it should be done by placing incentives on people, not by clobbering them. I fear that this tax hike could increase the cost of other forms of transport such as flights and ferries.

“With so many goods transported by road, further increases in fuel costs will send inflation soaring. The knock-on effects for our economy could be significant.”

Roger Helmer added:

“The UK government is right to suggest it will use its veto on these measures. There is a real detachment between the commission’s laudable policy goals and the reality of people’s everyday lives, where petrol and diesel costs are reaching crippling levels.

“I hope the reports about the commission’s plans are incorrect. Otherwise Commissioner Semeta needs to get back to the drawing board, fast.”

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