Talking Tactics – the small business of football

Emma McClarkin, MEP East Midlands, joined the Federation of Small Businesses in a visit to Hinckley United Football Club on Friday, 8th July. Since elected Emma has been appointed Conservative Spokesman and Coordinator on the Culture and Education and Sport Committee in the European Parliament and the report compiled by the Federation of Small Businesses, “Talking Tactics” highlighted areas affecting our local football clubs.

The meeting with the Directors of Hinckley United Football Club raised issues regarding the rise in overhead costs such as utilities and business rates, level of attendance level, and of major concern to the FSB was the way the tax burden affected the club. On a positive note, the directors of the club were proud to be working and supporting the local community. The club supports a strong junior section with ages from 7 to 16 and a number of girls’ teams.

Paul Coughlan, FSB Sth Leicestershire Branch Chairman, said, “Just like other small firms, many football clubs are under threat; and just like other small businesses, the loss of a club can have very negative social and economic consequences for local communities. This report looks at the business and charitable work of football and calls on the Government to help clubs, and the rich fabric of businesses and community initiatives they support, to survive and thrive. With public sector budget cuts starting to bite, the FSB will be asking Government to harness the power of football to add value in education, sport, community relations and the local economy. ”

Emma McClarkin, MEP East Midlands, said, “”I’m very pleased to meet the FSB here at Hinckley United Football Club to discuss the pressures that small businesses are under at the moment. People often forget that football clubs are businesses too, and have a lot of the same costs as any other business.

“I was also delighted to hear how Hinckley United work with the local community, especially in cultivating such strong junior and girls teams, and I am keen to help them grow and expand.”

Maxine Aldred, FSB Development Manager, said, “We would like to thank Emma McClarkin for taking up this issue and we will be contacting all MEPs and MPs in our area to get behind this initiative.”

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