Derbyshire Politicians Take Part in Charity Abseil

Just weeks after completing a 30 mile Hike for charity, East Midlands MEP Emma McClarkin and High Peak MP Andrew Bingham faced a challenge of a different kind last weekend, taking part in a charity abseil in aid of New Mills Volunteer Centre.

MP Andrew Bingham & MEP Emma McClarkin

MP Andrew Bingham & MEP Emma McClarkin

The abseil was organised by Abseiling Derbyshire, and was held at Millers Dale viaduct, near Tideswell. Emma and Andrew were joined on the day by the leader of the Conservative Group on High Peak Borough Council, Cllr. Tony Ashton, who is a trustee of New Mills Volunteer Centre.

Speaking after the day, Emma said:

“It was a thrilling experience, and highlights the many outdoor activities you can do here in the Peak. The view was absolutely stunning, and I would recommend it to anyone, especially when it’s also raising money for such a good cause.

“I think it’s a great way for the Volunteer Centre in New Mills to fundraise. Everyone who was there had a great time, and hopefully raised a lot of money for the Centre too.”

Andrew added:

“I’ve never done an abseil before, so I was quite nervous – especially when I looked over the side and saw the drop! But they were very professional and talked me through everything, and in the end it didn’t take long to abseil down at all.”

Tony concluded:

“I was glad that the event was so well supported, and hopefully we’ll have raised over £2000 for the Centre. I’d like to thank Andrew and Emma for supporting the abseil, and helping to raise the profile of the event.”

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