Emma McClarkin MEP backs measures to create a wave of new female entrepreneurs.

East Midlands Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin has today backed a report by fellow Conservative MEP Marina Yannakoudakis, aiming to create a wave of new female entrepreneurs.

Miss McClarkin strongly agrees that unleashing the potential of female entrepreneurship will not only mean greater opportunity for women but could play a big part in reviving the economy.

The aim of the report was to encourage EU countries and local authorities to make better use of funding already available – such as special grants, social security provisions and venture capital – to give women fair access to business start-up and expansion cash. This could be backed up by an education programme of information campaigns, seminars and training sessions to help women exploit the European Progress Microfinance Facility.

Other suggestions are for member states to launch one-year entrepreneurship or apprenticeship programmes for women and for better co-operation across Europe to promote best practice and networking opportunities for businesswomen.
Miss McClarkin said:

“The economic crisis means more women are wanting to return to work or start businesses.

“Many young mums are looking to become self-employed or start up their own companies. These ‘mumpreneurs’ are a growing phenomenon and I hope this report will help swell the ranks of female-owned businesses.

“We must give working mothers and other women the flexibility and support they need for their business and leadership skills to blossom. When they win – we all win.”

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