East Midlands MEP supports proposal for a ‘Year of Entrepreneurship’

As part of her efforts to support entrepreneurs in the East Midlands and across the UK, Emma McClarkin MEP has this week supported a proposal to name 2017 the ‘European Year for Entrepreneurship’.

The East Midlands Conservative MEP has constantly stood up for small businesses and entrepreneurs in her five years as an MEP, and has signed the amendment in favour of the proposal, which will now be voted on by MEPs in April.

Miss McClarkin said:

“I always try to do everything I can to encourage new businesses and to help people wanting to set up in business.

“Naming 2017 as the European Year for Entrepreneurship would set the tone and focus the European Union on taking more concrete action to help new businesses start up and thrive. The EU needs to cut red tape for small businesses and focus on creating jobs.”

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