PM committed to Brexit & best deal for UK
17th January, 2017Emma McClarkin MEP for the East Midlands has warmly welcomed the Prime Minister’s speech outlining the Governments Brexit negotiation strategy.
Emma said, “For those who were not 100% sure, this speech leaves no doubt that Brexit means Brexit. We are serious about respecting the result of the referendum and carrying out the will of the British people.”
She continued, “The Prime Minister outlined clear and detailed objectives to negotiate our new relationship with the European Union and the rest of the trading world. We will leave the EU Internal Market (Single Market) and negotiate a bespoke Customs Union agreement that ensures our right to negotiate our own trade deals with the rest of the world.”
“We have a Prime Minister who is serious about forging a new and exciting future for our country based on open and free trade, control of our laws and control of our borders and immigration.”
“Our country’s close, strategic and economic relationship with Europe existed before 1975 and will continue beyond 2019. We don’t want barriers to trade. We want a healthy trading relationship to continue and the Prime Minister has set out her vision. Now it is the time for the EU to set out its vision.”