Armed Forces day gets MEPs’ backing

Armed Forces Day is an annual opportunity for communities and businesses to show their support for the men and women who make up our forces and this year’s on Saturday 26th June has the backing of both local Conservative MEPs.

The Duchess of Rutland held a fund-raiser for the Colonel’s Fund with the Grenadier Guards and Roger Helmer MEP was delighted to attend and show his support.

Roger Helmer adds:

“With the ongoing military effort in Afghanistan as well as the constant work by our forces to promote peace, deliver aid and provide security for our nation I was delighted to support the fundraiser for the Grenadier Guards last Sunday just in time for Armed Forces Day on Saturday.”

Roger Helmer’s colleague Emma McClarkin has also shown her support for our forces by signing up to the European Parliament’s Armed Forces Service List which provides opportunities for MEPs to spend time with the armed forces in their constituencies to gain a better understanding of their work and needs.

Emma McClarkin comments:

“Armed Forces Day is a great opportunity to boost the morale of our troops and ensure they know they are not forgotten.

“I felt it was extremely important to sign up to the Armed Forces Service List in the European Parliament to ensure that I could participate in their schemes to gain a broader understanding of how the armed forces function on the ground and what they are looking for in terms of support from politicians.”

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