Spanish Property Website Help
9th June, 2010For years, MEPs across the country, including myself, have received heart-rending complaints from British expatriates who have invested their life savings in a dream bungalow for their retirement in Spain, overlooking the sea, only to be notified that they have fallen foul of local zoning laws and that their property will be repossessed, and often destroyed. Sometimes to add insult to injury they will also receive a massive bill for providing new utility services to the site. Then their property and others nearby will be turned over to a local developer, who will make a fortune from high-rise flats. There are persistent and worrying reports of unduly close relations between developers and Spanish local councils.
Having contacted the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain, they have made me aware of a website that will provide legal advice on a whole range of issues from inheritance to divorces, including property disputes, and do their very best to try to resolve your issue –