Emma McClarkin MEP spends day touring Leicester schools

East Midlands Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin had a busy day on Thursday last week, going from High School to University in just 7 hours as she spent the day touring Leicester Schools.

Emma spent the morning at Leicester High School for Girls, where she spoke to Year 10 girls and answered questions on topics such as European Legislation, EU enlargement, and the work life balance of political life. The visit was topped off with school lunch in the hall.

Speaking afterwards, Emma said, “I’d like to thank the school for inviting me today. It was a very interesting morning and I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to all the girls. They were very attentive and asked a lot of good questions, and I hope that I’ve been able to give them a better understanding of what politics involves.”

Head of PCHSE, Debbie Morgan added, “Our girls found Emma to be very friendly and easy to talk to, and I thought she came over really well. It was particularly good for the girls to see that a young woman could do so well for herself, and she was a real inspiration to them all.”

In the afternoon the East Midlands MEP travelled to Dixie Grammar School in Market Bosworth, where she had been invited by 6th form Head Joanne Banton to be guest speaker to sixty 6th formers studying General Studies. Emma gave a speech about her role as an MEP and the workings of the European Parliament.

After giving her speech, Emma commented, “The pupils here at Dixie Grammar School seemed very interested, and it was good to have the opportunity to explain some of the inner workings of the European Parliament to them. I’ve enjoyed my visit here today, and I hope the pupils found it informative.”

Speaking about Emma’s visit, Joanne Banton said, “Visiting speakers are an important element in giving our Sixth Form a broader education and we were delighted to hear from such a young and vibrant MEP, not only to share her party’s views on current issues but also, hopefully, to inspire our students with the story of her own journey to success and fulfilment”

Following her trip to Market Bosworth, Emma travelled back to Leicester in the early evening, where she gave a speech to De Montfort University’s Politics Society. Consisting of both students and lecturers, her audience listened as she talked about various aspects of the European Parliament, before taking questions about subjects such as the EU budget and the role that committees have in the parliament.

Once her final speech of the day was over, Emma said, “Today has been very hectic, but I’ve had a really good time. It was great to talk to pupils of a wide age range, and I hope that as the youngest MEP representing the UK, I was able to both engage and inspire them about politics.”

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