Emma McClarkin MEP Condemns EU Insurance Premium Ruling

East Midlands MEP Emma McClarkin has described this week’s EU Court ruling on insurance premiums as ‘a setback for common sense’.

The European Court of Justice has upheld the opinion of its top adviser and said that singling out women for preferential treatment contravenes Article 8 of the EU Treaty. The ruling will see insurance premiums for female drivers under 26 rise by about 25 percent according to the Association of British Insurers.

Emma McClarkin MEP said:

“This ruling is utter madness. It is a setback for common sense.

“It is a statistical reality that young men have more accidents than women so it should be reflected in their premiums.

“Once again we have seen how an activist European Court can over-interpret the Treaty. The EU’s rules on sex discrimination specifically permit discrimination in insurance if there is data to back it up. Unelected judges have overruled the will of democratically elected MEPs and governments; is it any wonder people are so disenchanted with the EU?

“This is a major blow for both democracy and careful women drivers.”

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