Emma McClarkin MEP attacks EU plans to raise own taxes

East Midlands MEP Emma McClarkin has today pledged to fight the EU’s efforts to raise its own taxation.

The Conservative MEP made the pledge as the commission published proposals for the next seven-year EU budget, known as the Multiannual Financial Framework. Alongside these proposals the commission has also published options for new EU ‘Own Resources’, which include a Financial Transaction Tax that would cripple the EU’s financial sector if introduced unilaterally.

Emma said:
“I will fight EU taxes all the way, both on grounds of principle and because we cannot afford them.

“The fact that the EU must come back to national governments every seven years to ask for a new budget acts as the ultimate anchor of accountability.

“If we grant the EU tax-raising powers then it becomes tantamount to a state. The EU is supposed to be the servant of the member states, not their master.

“At the same time as the EU is imposing much-needed austerity on the Greek people, it is completely disjointed to then ask national governments to borrow more to pay to the EU.”

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