East Midlands MEP Emma McClarkin condems plans for EU flag on national sports kits

Members of the European Parliament are backing calls to fly the EU flag at sporting events held in its territory and, controversially, to have the EU emblem on national team shirts.

The proposals, to be released next week, state that all national sports teams, including football, rugby, cricket and the British Olympic team, would be forced to have the EU’s blue flag with yellow stars appear on their jerseys.

Conservative spokesperson for sport in European Parliament, Emma McClarkin, is outraged by the suggestion, firmly denouncing the plans and calling for all MEPs to reject the idea.

“Sport has a special place in the UK, and our national sport teams form a key part of our identities and heritage. The EU has no business interfering in the badges worn on national team shirts – it is just another clear example of the EU vanity project at work.

“The EU cannot impose an artificial European identity on us by forcing our athletes to wear its emblem. Can you imagine Wayne Rooney or Jessica Ennis walking out into the arena sporting an EU flag on their kit? It is simply daft and, needless to say, I will be opposing the plan when it is debated in the Parliament.”

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