Unparalleled power of sport to change lives, says MEP

Sport can provide education and medication as well as contribute to life skills and establish positive values said local MEP Emma McClarkin at a conference she hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels with Nike and the charity the King Baudouin Foundation. Through co-operation between Nike and the King Baudouin Foundation many sporting community events …Continue Reading

Hosting of the European Parliament NIKE Event co-hosted by KBF (King Baudouin Foundation)

“Changing Lives through football: How can public-private partnerships make a difference?”

EU attempts to ban a dozen eggs

New legislation being considered by the EU would block shops from selling food by quantity and restrict them to sell by weight only. The move, if implemented, would see a dozen eggs become a thing of the past. East Midlands Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin have said that the proposal will be fought …Continue Reading

Armed Forces day gets MEPs’ backing

Armed Forces Day is an annual opportunity for communities and businesses to show their support for the men and women who make up our forces and this year’s on Saturday 26th June has the backing of both local Conservative MEPs. The Duchess of Rutland held a fund-raiser for the Colonel’s Fund with the Grenadier Guards …Continue Reading

EU moves to use taxpayers’ money to pay for news coverage is blatant propaganda says local MEP

The European Parliament has hijacked a report on journalism to further its own cause, says local East Midlands MEP Emma McClarkin. Ms McClarkin, the Conservative spokesperson for Culture, is appalled that a report that was centred on how new media (for example blogs) was changing journalism around the EU and the opportunities it provides for …Continue Reading

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